Mickey mouse
JoinedPosts by Mickey mouse
by WatchTower87 in- 23 day to go .. annual meeting unofficial rumors.
- new bible.
- new nwt (revision).
by WatchTower87 in- 23 day to go .. annual meeting unofficial rumors.
- new bible.
- new nwt (revision).
Mickey mouse
The current WT is the FDS = GB new light. Hmm...
PM icon gone?
by Mickey mouse incan anyone point me in the direction of pms?
the little envelope icon in the top right corner has gone.. thanks..
Mickey mouse
PM icon gone?
by Mickey mouse incan anyone point me in the direction of pms?
the little envelope icon in the top right corner has gone.. thanks..
Mickey mouse
Can anyone point me in the direction of PMs? The little envelope icon in the top right corner has gone.
by WatchTower87 in- 23 day to go .. annual meeting unofficial rumors.
- new bible.
- new nwt (revision).
Mickey mouse
I agree with yadda yadda.
Edited to add - although this makes it seem unlikely this year at least:
18 Most in attendance respectfully abstain from partaking of the emblems as they are passed because Jesus indicated that only those who will reign in his heavenly Kingdom are to partake. (Read Luke 22:28-30; 2 Tim. 4:18) All others present will be respectful observers. Still, being at the Lord’s Evening Meal is important, for being there shows how highly they value Jesus’ sacrifice. During the Memorial, they can reflect on the blessings that they can have on the basis of Jesus’ ransom sacrifice. They have the prospect of being among the “great crowd” who survive the coming “great tribulation.” Those are worshippers who will have “washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.”—Rev. 7:9, 14-17.
Pyschology reveals the comforts of the apocalypse
by fresh prince of ohio inhttp://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/2012/12/18/psychology-reveals-the-comforts-of-the-apocalypse/.
don't know if this was posted here when this article was current (2012).. .
although i have left jwism far behind me, i still live with very strong, sometimes almost unbearable, fears of catastrophic events leading to complete societal breakdown..
Mickey mouse
Marking, thanks.
The December 2013 study WT is up at JW.org
by Mickey mouse inhttp://www.jw.org/download/?fileformat=pdf&issue=20131215&output=html&pub=w&langwritten=e.
here's one extract:.
9. why should we be on guard if someone begins to speculate or to speak critically?.
Mickey mouse
Here's one extract:
9. Why should we be on guard if someone begins to speculate or to speak critically?
9 We are nearing the outbreak of the great tribulation and the end of this wicked system, so those inspired warnings given in the first century take on greater significance. We definitely do not want to ‘miss the purpose’ of Jehovah’s undeserved kindness and lose out on the promise of everlasting life, be that in heaven or on earth. (2 Cor. 6:1) If ever someone attending our congregation meetings would try to entice us into discussions of personal speculations or critical conversations, we should definitely be on guard.—2 Thess. 3:13-15.
Members who spam threads with the same post over and over
by Apognophos inhow do you guys feel about someone who gets an idea in his head that we want to hear the same phrase, often a nonsensical one, repeated in a dozen or more threads which may not have anything to do with the phrase in question?
it seems to me that we already have a rule, #5, about this..
Mickey mouse
This is where an ignore button would come in handy.
Cognizant Dissident says Hi!
by cognizant dissident injust thought i'd pop in after a couple of years and say hi to all my old discussion mates if any are still posting on here.. how you all doing?
anything new in jwdland i should know about?.
Mickey mouse
Hi cog. You have my favourite username on JWN.
I have been asked to submit work for next year's open studio exhibit
by nugget inmy husband showed some of my work to artists exhibiting in this years open studio event and i have been asked to submit work for next year.
as soon as the children go back to school i will be busy with the isograph pens.
as a witness i gave up my art studies and my dream of fine art because it was not appropriate for a witness.
Mickey mouse
Wow, you have a real talent.